We had multiple different angles from which we could approach this particular song.
One idea suggested by Tehreem was similar to a previous concept that we had though of - that we could show the protagonist and her "sanity" (personified as the protagonist herself, so basically two of the same person).
Even though I personally liked where we were headed with that concept, my teammates believed it would be difficult to shoot, in the case of a sudden lockdown which is something we're still anticipating. And also, we would need a protagonist who was really really brilliant at acting. So the mutual though was that even though it was a very good concept and video in our heads, it would most likely be very poorly executed, and so we decided to not go with this one. Maybe some other time :')
We decided to go for a more fast-paced concept, which had a simple (pretty cliche in my opinion, but not that that's a bad thing) narrative intertwined within it, showing the story of a girl whose insecurities don't let her let go of a past that she can't bring back, and these insecurities and fears manifest themselves in the form of toxic behaviours and habits. However, after this gradual increasingly toxic behaviour, we also see a gradual reevaluation of it, and the ultimate embracing of reality and hence a healthier state of mind.
We wrote down the lyrics and tried building the concept up as we go. We believed this way, it would also be easier for us to construct a synopsis.
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