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Party Police - The Concept

 This task was done by Hira. The link to the original thing on her blog is at the end.

In my opinion, the song ‘Party Police’ is about a failed relationship, which one party is desperately trying to salvage, using whatever means she has at her disposal.

The lyrics of the song ‘i never really know what’s on your mind/is it ever me or just someone you left behind?’ – this to me reflects an uncertainty, an insecurity of our narrator in the relationship. she doesn’t even know how to make sense of it, if he ever really loved her, or is she just a rebound. Moreover, the lines ‘when everyday’s a hurricane/you know there’s something wrong’ show how the relationship has clearly been troubled for a long long time now, even if unclear why – its clear that the relationship has turned sour. The narrator, while knowing all these things, is desperate to keep the relationship going: ‘you don’t have to leave, you could just stay here with me’ and that he should just ‘forget all the party police/we could find comfort in debauchery’ – she so badly wants him to stay that she tries to appeal to him with instruments of pure pleasure and indulgence, which are known to be destructive in nature, but she doesn’t care, she is ready to immerse herself into hedonism if it means he’ll stay.

The song, even though, sings about refusing to move on – ends with the narrator actually making peace of their sitaution and letting go – ‘if you don’t want to/you don’t have to’: this could mean two things: either that she recognises that nothing is going to fill the void that’s developed between them and its best to move on, or that she is so under his spell that she puts his happiness before hers, complying to his wishes without caring for her own, with the abrupt shift in the lyrics that changed from her pleas to keep him near to her letting him go, which also goes with the fact that she was ready to destroy herself for him.

The song thus has twofold meanings: its clearly a song about the self destructing nature one can adopt in relationships. Themes of insecurity, loss, bargaining and grief are prevalent. Its elusive meaning allows us to decide whether it is more destructive or peaceful.


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