Market Segmentation
Every media product has a market towards which it is targeted. These are the people that will potentially avail or enjoy the product. This is why those looking to bring their product into public attention and get it enough attention need to be fully aware of the kind of people they will primarily be aiming for. Market segmentation defines the "kind of people" since it's a very broad and vague phrase.
Segmentation is done on multiple basis. The main criteria for any segment is that there should be defining attributes that make it starkly different from other segments (i.e. distinction), there should be a consistency in attributes of individuals across the segment (homogeneity), and lastly the people within the segment should have similar attitudes towards a certain product (reaction).
It is on the basis of these criteria that the market is further divided into categories:
1) Geographics
This is pretty direct and easy to classify because the target market is categorised according to their geographical location - their country, city, region etc. For marketing music videos, this is important to consider because of language and the barriers it can create.
2) Demographics
This classifies people according to their social factors such as age, gender, ethnicity, social class etc. The demands and ability of the consumers is often defined by these factors, for example, the ability to afford them.
3) Psychographics
This focuses on an individual's attitudes and lifestyles, they way they perceive different media products and the types of activities they engage in. The psychographic segmentation is divided into multiple categories based on overall personalities. For instance "the Aspirers" who are younger in age and seek out more materialism and are inclined towards a more upper class culture.
4) Behavioural
The psychographic segmentation is closely linked with the behavioral segmentation, which is the way consumers respond to a product. This includes their willingness to purchase it, and their consistency in doing so.
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