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Digipak: Inlay and CD

 *Skips intro*

I filled the background layer with black and added noise to it to maintain the consistency. Unlike adding a little bit like previously, there had to be a significant amount of grain on the inlay.

In order to make the CD, I used the ellipse tool and made the outer outline, the inner rim and one more light pink circle around the inner rim. I outlined the CD with hot pink to keep up with the theme (even though in a lil while the outline will be barely visible). I added a slight outer glow effect to the circle as well to make it stand out more prominently.

Next, I selected the first inlay we had made, copied it and pasted it onto this file. I moved this layer right above the outer circle layer, and below the inner two circle layers, and applied the clipping mask which made the pattern layer fit into the circle. This made the CD stand out starkly against the right inlay (which is a convention in digipaks) and also added consistency overall, especially inside the digipak.

Here's the finished product:
