Symbolic Codes Symbolism: Flowers These are a recurring motif throughout the music video. We will specifically be using a flower species called butterfly weed, for certain scenes in order establish a connection throughout. This flower means "let me go" or similar alternatives like "leave" and so we decided it was cohesive with our concept. The girl picks these flowers at the beginning and then in between we see shots of her trying to water these rootless flowers in an empty vase, symbolising how she is trying to flourish and nurture something that possibly can not be. Towards the end we see her disperse these flowers in the wind. Keeping in line with the meaning of the flowers, this scene presents a closure for the protagonist. Eating flowers This symbolises various things and some of the toxic behaviours of our protagonist, which also link with the lyrics. Flower-eating is often linked to an expression of the character's desire for engaging in hedonism ("...
The one where it all ended